Let’s Get to the Root of the Matter

The perpetual ongoing theme in almost every lecture, article, medical study and health coach-related conference I attend, is food. Food is medicine. Integrative medical doctors in my circles who speak on the subject are baffled as to why the medical community, as we know it today, won’t take the what is the simplest solution as a first treatment? Change a patient’s diet. The no-prescription, no side-effect, least intrusive, potentially most effective treatment option.

If a client comes to me who has been diagnosed with a chronic condition, (I’ve helped clients with everything from celiac to IBS to rheumatoid arthritis) in almost every case, they have completed their program feeling better physically, emotionally, have more awareness of their bodies, an increase in energy, longer and more restful sleep, less inflammation, joint pain, gut dysbiosis, brain fog and overall reduction of symptoms. It starts, and can be fixed, with food. We are getting to the root cause, not merely treating symptoms.

Let’s consider celiac disease. Typically one carries a gene for celiac. (Actually one of 2 genes, it is rare that a person develops celiac without one of these genes). However, Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity is the underlying root cause in a number of different diseases. In a 2015 study released from three of the government certified gluten-related disorder centers in Italy (yes, the country where gluten is a national treasure) discovered that NCWS was identified as causing autoimmune diseases at least as frequently, and in some cases more frequently, than celiac.

Hashimotos’s thyroiditis disease was the most frequently identified. (And in the US, the most frequently un- or mis-diagnosed.) NCWS is not a stand-alone disorder, rather, the root cause of many other disorders. If one’s exposure continues, they may progress further along the autoimmune spectrum and a condition may change from a gluten sensitivity to a full-blown autoimmune disorder. Elevated antibodies may manifest as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, MS or other disorders..

So the solution is test, not guess. And it’s simple as removing a problematic food group, like gluten, from your diet. If you’re suffering from an already diagnosed condition which isn’t improving with medication, or, seemingly unrelated symptoms, try it for at least 30 days. You may see immediate improvements, you may need longer than 30 days, depending on your lifestyle. Most people need 90 days. Start with the most obvious gluten-containing foods, pasta, breads, etc. But get really good at reading labels too. There are many sneaky gluten-type ingredients in foods, especially processed foods. My recommendation is to remove all processed foods, but if you cannot, be sure to read the backs of the packages, not the fronts. Gluten is more than wheat. Rye, barley, farro, couscous, soy sauce, and some oats are processed in factories which also process wheat products.  Be sure to brush up on all ingredients, including additives, that could have gluten lurking.

As a coach, I can help you navigate these new pathways to health and wellness. I’ve had the most skeptical clients happily admit it works for them. Not to mention other health benefits, such as lower overall cholesterol and reduction of medications (with doctor approval, of course.) I partner with doctors as well, to create an integrated solution for you. Let me help you get to the root of the issue for you.


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